Always under construction

Juan Claro

Software Developer

About Me

* 1978 in Munich

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Software Engineer

Valtech Mobility

Senior Technology Consultant

  • Frontend-Development with React, TypeScript and GraphQL
  • Frontend-Development with Vue.js and Vuetify
  • Frontend-Development (Carapps) with Angular and RxJS



Developing Templates for a Microservices- and CRUD-GUI-Generator with Xtend, Java, Spring, JavaScript and Polymer

Silverlab Solutions / Pixpremium

PHP Full-Stack Developer

Developing and Maintaining of a Photobook Webapplication


Software Engineer

Various Projects.
Main Projects: PHP- & Android-Apps for Courier-Companies
bamboo mec app



Developing and Maintaining of a CMS based installation of the SIEMENS Websites


Software Engineer

Eventmanagement Tools with Java


GFN Muenchen

October 2023 - January 2024

Certified PHP Developer (valid until January 2027)

FernUniversitaet in Hagen

April 2022 - now

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (B.Sc. Informatik)

Part-time studies.
Main Topics (done): Mathematical Foundations(passed, not graded), Introduction to imperative Programming(passed, not graded), Algorithmic Mathematics(not yet assessed), Knowledge-Based Systems(2.0), Computer Systems(3.7), Data Mining(not assessed), Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3.7), Data Structures and Algorithms (not yet assessed), Introduction to Scientific Methodologies of Computer Science(passed, not graded)
Main Topics (running): Software Systems
Main Topics (planned): Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Basic Programming Lab, Scientific Programming in Python, Programming Systems: Modern Programming Techniques and Methods

50/180 ECTS

FernUniversitaet in Hagen

October 2020 - now

Bachelor of Science in Mathematical-technical Software Development (B.Sc. Mathematisch-technische Softwareentwicklung)

Part-time studies.
Main Topics (done): Mathematical Foundations(passed, not graded), Introduction to imperative Programming(passed, not graded), Linear Algebra(not yet assessed), Elementary Number Theory with Maple(not yet assessed), Algorithmic Mathematics(not yet assessed), Knowledge-Based Systems(2.0), Data Mining(not assessed), Data Structures and Algorithms (not yet assessed), Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3.7)
Main Topics (running): Introduction to technical and theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
Main Topics (planned): Analysis, Introduction to Stochastics, Software Engineering, Numerical Mathematics I, Databases, Algebra and Number Theory Lab, Graph Drawing

35/180 ECTS

FernUniversitaet in Hagen

April 2019 - now

Master of Science in Computer Science (M.Sc. Informatik)

Part-time studies.
Main Topics (done): Operating Systems(1.7), Software-Architecture and Web-Programming(not assessed), Modern Programming Techniques and Methods(1.7), Knowledge-Based Systems(2.0), Deduction- and Inference-Systems(not assessed), Logical and functional Programming(4.0), Efficient Algorithms(not assessed), Data Mining(not assessed)
Main Topics (running): Document- and Knowledge-Management in the Internet
Main Topics (planned): Artificial Intelligence Lab, Artificial Intelligence Masterseminar, Formal Argumentation, Business Process Modeling and Process Mining

40/120 ECTS

Julius-Maximilians-University in Wuerzburg

October 2003 - December 2010

Diploma in Computer Science

Degree: Diplom-Informatiker (Univ.)
Diploma Thesis: Automatic Generation of JUnit-Tests from Testscenarios
Main Topics (Hauptstudium): Automata and Formal Languages, Computability and Logic, Cryptography, Contemporary Trends in Artifical Intelligence and Cognition Sciences, Professional Project Management, Management in Software Engineering, Software Model Checking, Databases, Deductive Databases, Semantic Web, Compilers, Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Elementary Number Theory, Algebra I


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